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Overweight is a problem that is becoming a major issue within much of the western world with more and more people being classed as obese. This makes it a very common text for your tutors to set assignments regarding. A satire essay on obesity will allow you to explore and educate yourself on the causes of overweight as well as the effects that can have on a person and on society as a whole.
Writing an argumentative text on fatness will require you to take a position with regard to some aspects of the causes or the solutions to the problem. This will require you to make some research to find a topic around which you will be able to write your text.
Possible titles or positions to take could be:
- McDonald’s and other fast-food restaurants should not offer “super-sized” meals
- Manufacturers of convenience food should be required to reduce levels of fat and sugar
- Obese patients should be refused treatment until they slim
- Overweight is a personal choice
- All employers should have a compulsory exercise program
The list of possible angles to tackle these papers are endless, you only have to go online to see the number of articles on overweight that there are to see how big an issue this really is.
Online Satirical Essay on Obesity Assistance
Once you have selected the argument that you wish to persuade your reader to accept you can start to outline your actual satirical essay on obesity. Like most other essays it will start with your introduction; your intro should start by saying exactly what overweight is and the effects it has on the human body as well as the effects it has on our society. You also want to show how that problem has grown significantly over the last few decades.
Your introduction then introduces your argument such as forcing fast-food restaurants to limit their portion sizes and to not push the bigger meals towards customers.
The main body or discussion section of your essay on children obesity is where you are going to introduce all of the information that you need to support your argument within your essay on obesity in America. You should take a paragraph for each piece of supporting data and ensure that you cite sources when you use them. So, for instance, you could talk about the policy of always asking a customer if they want to upgrade the size of their meal as one paragraph and as a supporting factor.
Your conclusion then summarizes these factors and shows how they support your main argument. You may then provide your opinion as to what action you feel should be taken to correct the problem.
We Can Write Your Paper
If you need help writing your essay on obesity, look no further. Simply submit your ‘write my essay‘ request to our service and relax. We offer the most professional and capable writing service available online and will be able to write to perfection.
We employ the very best highly qualified writers for our service and monitor their performance and output very closely. This means that we can provide you with a full satisfaction guarantee as well as fully plagiarism checked texts.